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Unlock Your Potential | A Call to Youth Ambassadors.

Dear Youth,

Embracing Purpose and Community is essential in a world filled with distractions and uncertainties. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lost, but within each of you lies an incredible potential—a power capable of transforming lives and communities. By embracing your unique role in both your purpose and the community around you, you can make a lasting impact.

At this moment in your journey, it’s vital to recognize the unique role you play within our church family. You are not just the future; you are the vibrant heartbeat of our present. Your energy, passion, and fresh perspectives breathe life into our congregation, infusing it with vitality and dynamism.

But with great power comes great responsibility. As an ambassador, you hold the capacity to inspire change, ignite hope, and spread love. Your actions, no matter how small they may seem, send ripples throughout our community and beyond.

So, how can you harness this power for good? It begins by embracing your purpose. Each of you is here for a reason, equipped with talents and gifts that are waiting to be nurtured and shared. Take time to explore your passions and discover what sets your soul on fire. Whether through music, art, service, sports, or leadership, find ways to channel your energy into meaningful activities.

Yet, purpose alone is not enough. True power is realized when purpose is combined with community. You are not alone on this journey; you are surrounded by a supportive network of fellow youths and mentors who believe in your potential. Lean on each other, learn from one another, and grow together as a family united in faith and love.

In a fast-paced world filled with distractions, it’s easy to get swept away. But amidst the chaos, remember to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the source of all power and inspiration—our Creator. Through prayer, meditation, and scripture, nurture your spiritual well-being and draw strength from the eternal truths that guide our lives.

As you navigate the challenges of adolescence and young adulthood, remember that you are not defined by your circumstances or past mistakes. You are defined by your resilience, compassion, and your unwavering commitment to making the world a better place.

So, dear ambassador, embrace your power, embrace your purpose, and embrace your community. Together, let us embark on a journey of faith, love, and service—a journey that will shape not only our lives but also the destiny of generations to come.

Zeph Oduor,
Assistant Ambassador Director.


Comments (3)

  • Reply Mike - February 4, 2025


  • Reply Arnold - February 4, 2025


  • Reply Yvonne - February 4, 2025

    May God used us always to Glorify his name alway

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